The MALC co-ordinates and delivers Senior Ladies and Mixed Netball competitions all year round. Grab your squad or join solo—Social Netball at MALC! This fun, ungraded competition is perfect f
Thursday evenings | First game at 6:00 PM (50-minute games)
Nomination Fees
🔹 New team: $50
🔹 Recurring team: $20
Sign up as a team or individual, and we’ll do our best to place you in a team if possible!
or players 15+ years who want to stay active, social, and enjoy the game.
To register your interest email
Our games are conducted by Badged Umpires, with games conducted and played in good spirits with zero tolerance for aggressive and/or unsavoury behaviour. All players are required to sign a MALC Player Agreement prior to playing each season.
Register and/or view current fixtures and ladders here