Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 8:45am - 11:45am
Saturday 8:00am - 11:00am
Casual Creche pass $6.70
10 Visit Pass $57.00
20 Visit Pass $100.00
50 Visit Pass $218.00
100 Visit Pass $335.00
Objectives of the Crèche
Our aim is to provide high quality care and service, which is clean, safe and stimulating.
• An environment that provides children with choices.
• To foster the social, emotional, physical, intellectual development of each child.
• For the children to develop respect for others, equipment and their environment.
• To involve parents and Crèche staff with appropriate and continuing interaction.
• To provide continuing training of Crèche staff.
Aims and Goals
To provide the children with a healthy, happy, loving, caring and trusting environment, where each child develops a strong sense of independence and belonging.
To provide each child the opportunity to develop in the following areas:
• Social and emotional skills, physical skills, fine motor, gross motor and intellectual/cognitive skills
• For children to develop independence and self-discipline
• For all children to have equal access to the program regardless of race, ability, age or physical abilities.
The Murray Aquatic & Leisure Centre Crèche is an unlicensed venue with the Department of Community Services and operates under the Children Services - Crèche Regulation WA 2006.
Due to the above-mentioned regulation no child is to attend the Crèche for more than 12 hours per week.
Responsibility of Parent/Guardians
To enable the Murray Aquatic & Leisure Centre to provide the best possible service to parents and guardians using the Crèche and for the Shire of Murray to meet the requirements associated with unlicensed Crèche regulations, we rely on the cooperation of parents and guardians to complete several tasks.
Parents/Guardians are required to:
- Remain within the building at all times and able to attend to child’s needs if required.
- Children must be settled, fed and changed before leaving the child in the Crèche.
- Immediately return to the Crèche if requested by Centre staff.
- Ensure you complete an enrolment form.
- Sign child/ren in and out of the Crèche each day and make sure you tick the appropriate boxes to indicate what part of the Centre you will be utilising in case of emergency.
- Inform Crèche staff if their child/ren have any allergies or medical conditions, and label their child with the specific allergy.
- Parents are required to directly supervise children before and after Crèche attendance.
- Parents are not permitted to enter though the secure Crèche gate unless asked to by a Crèche Attendant. Children will be escorted though the gate by one of our Crèche Attendants.
Parents are required to notify the Murray Aquatic & Leisure Centre if the following occurs:
- Your child’s details have changed or are incorrect.
- If the child has or has had an illness.
Responsibilities of Crèche Staff
- Ensure a safe and happy environment for all children
- Supervision of children including offering options for older children during school holidays
- Ensure that each child/children are signed in and out each day
- Call upon parents to change nappies, administer medication and assist in settling distressed children following unsuccessful attempts by Crèche staff.
Crèche Staff will not
- Change soiled nappies for health and hygiene reasons
- Administer medication other than Ventolin and Epi-pens
- Consume hot beverages whilst on duty
Access to the Crèche
All parents or guardians using the Murray Aquatic & Leisure Centre facilities, with children aged eight weeks to 5 years are encouraged to use the Crèche. All parents or guardians must stay within the Centre while their child or children attend the Crèche. If your child is not immunised you are required to let staff know so you can be contacted should an outbreak occur.
During the school holidays, children up to 10 years of age are permitted to use the Crèche.
Payment Method
Payment must be made at reception before entering the Crèche.
Children must be collected by the end of the paid session, otherwise additional fees will be required to be paid.
Enrolment Forms
Parents must fill out the Crèche Enrolment Form before their child enters care. The form must be completed in full, including the authorisation for collection of children and medical information. If any particulars on the enrolment form change, such as address or phone numbers, staff in the Crèche must be advised immediately and the details will need updating. Information recorded on these forms are confidential.
Crèche staff are not able to accept a child unless they have a completed enrolment form signed by a parent/guardian.
Murray Aquatic & Leisure staff may take photos of children participating in Crèche activities. These images could be used within our Centre, for advertising and promotional material. If you do not wish for photos to be taken of your child/ren please advise one of our Crèche Attendants.
Arrival & Departure Procedure
Parents/guardians must sign their child in and out of the Crèche each day with their full name under the Crèche Regulation WA 2006 and the Shire of Murray policies. Persons collecting the child must be authorised on the enrolment form as this is a requirement of the Commonwealth Government. In the event of someone else coming to collect the child, the parent or guardian must have notified staff prior and completed the necessary paperwork. In the case of emergency where the parent or guardian cannot be contacted, the names and contact numbers on the enrolment form may be used and that person may collect the child.
On arrival and departure to the Crèche children will be escorted though the gate and to their parent/guardian by one of our Crèche attendants. This is to ensure that gate is secure at all times.
Visitor Access
Visitors cannot access the Crèche unless they have permission of the parents and/or Crèche staff. If not authorised on the enrolment form, other family members and friends may only visit the Crèche if they are present with the child’s parent/legal guardian.
On rare occasions the Crèche may offer student placements to high school students or students training in Early Childhood or Child Care, who wish to gain work experience as part of their school, TAFE or university program. This placement will only take place if the school, TAFE or university has initiated the placement. If a student is present in the Crèche, a note introducing them will be placed in clear view of the parents/guardians. All students will only be accepted after an interview with the Centre Management.
What to Bring
To ensure that your child has a smooth and enjoyable time at Crèche, please make sure that they bring the following;
- A bag for belongings.
- Pram or stroller for children under 2 years.
- Appropriate clothing and footwear.
- Spare clothing. i.e. underwear
- Disposable nappies, wet ones or underwear.
- Bottles and/or drinks, preferably water all labelled.
- Healthy Snacks – Please note Crèche is a Nut Free Zone.
- Dummy or comforter if required.
On the very first visit to the Crèche, you will need to bring your Enrolment Form and make sure that all of your child’s belongings are clearly marked with his/her name in black permanent marker or with a label. Labels are available at the Crèche reception.
Crèche snack times are 9.30am and 10.30am.
Settling Children In
Every attempt will be made by Crèche staff to make the settling in experience as positive as possible. To assist children and their families to adjust to the transition that is involved with coming to the Crèche, Crèche staff will ensure that they offer a safe, secure and clean environment that welcomes the child and the family.
Whenever possible a new child should be introduced to the Crèche gradually. Short visits or stays before the child or children are due to stay longer in the Crèche will help them to become familiar with the Crèche staff and the Crèche environment.
When a child first starts at the Crèche, Crèche staff are encouraged to speak to the parents about the following;
- Specific routines, for example, if the child is toilet training and needs to be taken at certain time intervals.
- Strategies for settling the child down, especially for babies.
Crèche staff will encourage parents/guardians to say goodbye to their child calmly and confidently. Parents are encouraged to remind their child where they are going and when they will return. Parents are advised not to leave without notifying their child and to ignore protests from the child.
Crèche staff are aware that it can be a very hard experience being separated from your child; therefore, every effort will be made to help parents and children during this period. Parents are encouraged to discuss any areas of concern with the Crèche staff. All discussions will be kept confidential.
Crèche is not the place for sick children, we regret that we are unable to care for sick children or children with a contagious illness or communicable disease. A child cannot be accepted into our care with signs of a communicable disease or any condition that may prejudice the health of others. Children will be excluded from the Crèche if they are ill. If symptoms become apparent at the Crèche, the parent or guardian will be contacted to collect the child.
To prevent any cross infection, no child can be admitted to the Crèche suffering from any of the following;
- A temperature above 38C
- Diarrhoea (runny, watery or bloody stools)
- Vomiting more than once in the previous 24 hours
- Body rash, skin lesions or herpes simplex (cold sores)
- Sore throat with fever and swollen glands
- Nose, eye or ear discharge (thick mucous draining from the nose, ear or eye)
- Head lice or nits (eggs)
- Severe coughing with obvious discomfort
- Yellow skin or eyes
Crèche Regulation WA 2006 and the Shire of Murray do not permit children with an infectious illness to attend the Crèche. A child with an infectious illness/ condition jeopardises the health of other children, Crèche staff and other families. A medical certificate may be required before a child can return to the Crèche after an infectious illness. The decision to exclude or re-admit a child who has been ill will be the responsibility of the Crèche staff.
Parents are advised that non immunised children will be excluded from care in the event of an infection outbreak. If there has been a confirmed case of such disease, notification will be a clearly displayed on the front door, stating the name of the outbreak. Under Health Department direction, a child not immunised against measles (MMR vaccination at 12 months) must be excluded from a child care setting for two weeks once any case of measles is diagnosed. A case of measles must be notified to the local authority.
In cases where a child has attended Crèche and is subsequently identified as having an infectious disease, the Centre will endeavour to notify relevant parents/guardians and take precautions to stop the spread of disease.
Crèche staff are not permitted to administer medication of any sort to children (e.g. Panadol, Bonjella). In a life threatening situation, such as Anaphylaxis, Crèche staff will attend to the child (an action plan from a GP must be given to the Crèche staff on enrolment). Ventolin and EpiPens are the only medication that will be administered by staff in an emergency. Please see Crèche staff regarding the procedures for administering Ventolin and EpiPens.
Guiding Children’s Behaviour
All Crèche staff will model desirable behaviour and praise children who are exhibiting good behaviour. Discipline in the Crèche is through redirection of inappropriate actions and positive reinforcement of desirable behaviour.
If a child does not respond to redirection of behaviour, Crèche staff will gently take the child to the side of the group to settle the child and use the time to reflect, depending on the age. Parents will be notified of the behaviour being displayed whilst in the Crèche.
If negative behaviour continues, cannot be modified within a reasonable time, and Crèche staff have justifiable concerns for the child or safety of other children, the Centre Manager will discuss the action that may need to be taken with the parent/guardian.
Nut Free Policy
To protect the children in our care who have allergies to peanuts and similar nut products, we have put into place a Nut Free Policy. Products such as peanut butter, Nutella, nut food bars and any other products which have nuts listed as an ingredient are not permitted in the Crèche. If a child brings a product containing nuts into the Crèche, they will not be allowed to eat it until they have left the Crèche.
Parents of children who have a known allergy to nuts should inform Crèche staff at time of enrolment and each time they book in. The severity of the child’s allergy, the symptoms and the emergency procedures to be followed in case of an allergic reaction will be discussed.
We strive to provide a safe and happy environment for your child. By following the Centres Crèche policies and procedures ensures yourself and your child has an enjoyable experience whilst attending MALC facilities.
Feedback and Enquires
The Murray Aquatic & Leisure Centre welcomes all types of feedback and enquiries from families on any aspect of the Centre. Any complaints raised will be taken seriously and will follow the Shire’s Complaint process. If parents have a concern relating to the Crèche it should be discussed in the first instance with the Crèche staff.
Emergency and Evacuation
In the case of an emergency that results in the need to evacuate the Centre, children will be escorted outside via the doors located inside the Crèche. Parents are requested to exit the main MALC building following the directions of emergency wardens and go to the muster point outside of the Crèche to collect their children.