Booking Group Fitness Classes

Login to your member portal here to book or cancel your next group fitness class.

In the majority of instances there is sufficient space in our group fitness classes for all persons, be it Members, Visit Pass Holders or Casual users wanting to undertake a Group Fitness session, however we do have a few classes that reach capacity quickly therefore booking is always highly recommended.

MALC members have priority when booking into classes, however opportunity is available for pass holders and casuals to pre-book for classes as well.

  • MALC Members can book into a class 1 week and 1 hour prior to the scheduled start time of the class (Online, in Centre or via Phone)
  • Group Fitness Visit Pass Holders can book into a class (in Centre, or via Phone) 3 days prior to the class.
  • Casual fee-paying customers can book in one day prior (in Centre, or via Phone) - payment must be made at the time of your booking.

MALC Members are encouraged to book and cancel group fitness classes online via our Online Portal, as bookings not made via the online portal can only be cancelled in Centre or over the phone.

If a Member or Visit Pass holder is not able to attend a class they are booked into, they must cancel their booking at least one hour prior to the class start time to allow other members/customer enough time to access the class.

Any Member who are no shows or do not give the required 1 hour notice, will not be able to book in advance for the following weeks class, and will only be able to register in Centre 10 minutes before a class if a vacancy exists.

Any Visit Pass holders who are no shows or do not give the required 1 hour notice, will not be refunded the visit.